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Irie Gaia House inna tree, Dolsky mlyn, Noutonice, Czech republic.


And this is an Irie solution send from jah.

Little living structure that will allow to serve some couple drinks and dishes to cycle tourists that are passing by. This house is Irie gaia house. It has no costs only idea and passion. I jah rastafari I, love nature. What is to be, must be.


Through the passing of time I organized the bush to the future structure. I cut all dried and sick woods, I shorten couple of those healthy trees, that could allow them to grow.

With materials I received, I plashed the future walls, prepared the future roof and also some interior parts. With clay and stones I filed the floor and ramp to entrance. 

It is all slowly getting ready for the muddy finish in next week. I need only sun to support the drying process. Jah blessed gaia irie house is coming up. ) 

Big up is going to Oliver. He is now the only support I have. His work is effective and it is much better to not work alone. We splashed a lot more then before, we prepared roof construction so that it fluently comes to the ground. With Oliver I also fixed furniture made of solid oak. It consists of sitting place, serving table, preparation space and couple storages... 

Next step Is clay and straw.. I am really enjoying this. Our sources of clay water and old dried grass are here directly on our site, so the work is really comfortable.

It is good to continue from bottom to top. We create the mixture by our feet what is very pleasant and funny too. It is very important to put it on the plashed wall with love and care. It is always good to think by work. Plashed wall has a plenty of possibilities. It inspires to be creative to make it ,,curvy,, and to let some prints or stones in it.

After couple days of work we can clearly see the inner space. At the end it is much bigger than I accepted. It got highs and wides... windows are now windows and walls are walls...  so I plashed the roofing system and we can start to put the an earth pillow on the top. It should close the inner space and give the final look to outside.

come it is real fun ...