I was born on 12th jun 1979

As a little child a loved all art, I was drawing, painting, listening and making music, I liked to write strange poetry and do things of wood...

Then i joined a course of drawing and graphic

And then I studied architecture in Bratislava (STU Ba, SR), Prague (CVUT ,CZ) and then in Weimar (Bauhaus Uni, DE), I did I finals in Prague and graduated in 2005.

By studies I met the problems of our world. I learned not only about the concrete and steel constructions, I learned about ecological, and social problems of us all. I found ho big the world is and how much disharmony is in there. For the last years o studies I worked on such problematic only. First emergency housing in containers, then my final project, ,,Refugee village for human integration,,

I also started to perform as a DNB Dj in Prague and then in Weimar and Jena.

I worked also for couple architectural studios, where I mostly worked on visualizations and smaller projects. (Kgb-architekten in weimar and DaM, IBA, Neovisual in Prague)

After graduation I made the last works and left to mountains of Slovakia. I spent couple years alone in the nature, gardening, painting, woodcarving, building, caring about the nature and my dog. I learned so much in one year there as in 8 years of studies on University. I learned how much life is there, how important is the balance that we damage every day. I learned that everything that comes to me as injustice is my fault. The nature is so welcoming and refreshing that i almost forgot the materialistic world. It was I paradise out of babylon...  

I moved to Czech in 2010, to help with final works on ekofarm on Ctiboř.

Actually I position is in CR, SR. pending. ) 


  • radoslav dvořák
  • eko arTchitect rastafarián